The Chennai Cricketing Culture
Hi, I am a new resident of chennai (An year old). Me being a Cricket Freak, One thing that caught my I eye in Chennai was cricket. Before coming to chennai i had quiet a knowledge of the cricketing culture of chennai, but i really felt it only after i happen to stay in the city. The culture i refer here is not the culture of India Vs Pakistan cricket test match or the CSK vs MI IPL T20 match, but what makes it very much successful in Chennai. The cricket which runs through the veins of the chennaiites makes it possible. Much of cricketing activity cannot be seen on the weekdays.On weekends if u happen to move out of ur house and walk on the streets for atleast half an hour u will atleast see 10 to 15 boys either gearing up for the matches or coming back fully tired after finishing matches. Here the question arises where do these youngsters get to play. The answer is simple. Any open space which is very small is not small enough to stop them playing and any open space which is very big ...