Wrap up session – IIA NATCON 2016 at Bengaluru, By Prem Chandavarkar (conference curator)
Wrap up session – IIA NATCON 2016 at Bengaluru Where do we go from here? By Prem Chandavarkar (conference curator) (NOTE: this was recorded by me at the conference and has been reproduced here (almost verbatim). Some words in italics are the ones which I could not hear clearly from the recording. This is put up here so that the people who did not attend the conference may listen and possibly get inspired) We architects are held up with in the cocoon of our own individual practices. What we do affects the city and as architects we also been unknowingly complacent in structures of segregation and exclusion that has happened in our cities. We must think in terms of right to the city, for much of our population receives inadequate attention from the process of urban planning and management. We must ask, is the city a given image of plan into which its population must adjust, or is it a given population that will inclusively negotiate its own form. As David Harvey point...